Month: May 2020

Chiropractor Ryan Woodbury joins the team!

Chiropractor Ryan Woodbury joins the team!

Ryan Woodbury
BSc (Anatomy & Physiology Path) GCertSleep
BSc(Chiro) BClinChiro (Clinical Chiropractic)
ASCA Strength & Conditioning

WA Vice Chair Sports Chiropractic Australia

The Vale Family GP welcomes Ryan Woodbury, Chiropractor from Stay Balanced Chiropractic & Rehab to our clinic.

As many of our patients realise, not all Chiropractors are the same! Ryan is highly experienced in providing musculoskeletal services such as soft tissue therapy, trigger points, gratin, dry needling, adjustments and injury rehab. He is a member of Chiropractic Australia and offers care to any acute or chronic injuries.

Ryan has specific skills and areas of interest in sports, falls prevention and rehab, geriatrics, sleep and exercise rehabilitation. Stemming from previous Bachelor degrees and working as a Sleep and Respiratory Scientist, Ryan combines all knowledge to provide the best approach to your care.

Ryan heavily invests into ongoing education through attending courses and conferences nationally to ensure he is up to date with the latest evidence and information, resulting in you receiving the best possible care. Outside of work, Ryan plays State Basketball for East Perth, enjoys music, reading, fitness and spending time with family and friends.

To book an appointment online click here or call 0431 235 445.

#SeeyourGP – Regular Healthcare is Important

#SeeyourGP – Regular Healthcare is Important

If you have put your regular health checks on hold during the pandemic, now’s the time to pop back in to see your GP.

Regular health checks are important to ensure that critical health conditions are not left undiagnosed or untreated, possibly resulting in life-threatening complications for some patients.

It is important to maintain treatment regimens for chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or asthma as well as looking after your mental health at this time. Your GP is your most important link to maintaining good health and now, more than ever you need to stay in touch with your doctor.

Diagnostic tests, screening tests, immunisations, and regular health check-ups are essential tools for ensuring the population remains healthy and well.

Right now, it is more important than ever to stay healthy and get the prescriptions, screening, or care you need. Maintain your regular appointments and stay as healthy as possible.

For a range of medical appointments that do not require a physical examination, such as for a medical certificate, prescription or referral, patients can now speak to a doctor or medical professional by phone as a telehealth appointment.

To book a Telehealth Appointment please download our FREE App or call 08 9456 0184.